Hiya everyone! I have been struggling with decisions about mesh heads, so I thought it might help me to talk it out here, and if anyone has any input I'd greatly appreciate it. First I must say that I love my GA.EG Barbara Bento head, it was the first demo I tried that really truly felt like "me". It wasn't a huge shock to change to it, at least not visually, from my highly tweaked and personalized system head shape. So let me walk through the thoughts that go through my mind from time to time...
First of all, I am extremely grateful that GA.EG is Omega compatible, all my skins in addition to any makeups you see me wearing are applied via the Omega system. Any other head I choose to purchase would have to have Omega compatibility as well, I'd happily buy the relay system. The problem I encounter is that many hunt prizes, group gifts, etc. are only for Catwa or Lelutka, usually Catwa only, and I haven't found a Catwa head that I like for myself yet.
I wear Inkheart mesh eyes and blog for them, and not all heads (Catwa being the first to come to mind) allow you to wear another brand's mesh eyes. I need to be able to blog Inkheart's eyes, and have been a huge fan of theirs for so long that I cannot imagine having to give them up. Do Catwa's eyes, for example, let you apply eyes from an Omega HUD? I know that Inkheart has Omega and Genesis appliers in their more recent releases.
Here is where I get painfully picky, so please don't take anything I am about to say personally! For me, I prefer lips with a defined cupid's bow, that dip in the middle of the top lip...my RL natural lips have one, most of the people I've considered attractive have had it, and I never really saw anyone without it until a certain famous family with lots of K initials, one of them had work done on her lips that somehow erased hers. Then all the mesh heads I saw seemed to not have a cupid's bow, just a straight across top lip. I'm apparently picky about lips, and never realized it until mesh head mania swept the grid ;)
Another personal preference issue of mine is that I want my eyes to look wide open, and lots of mesh heads seem to lean towards narrowed eyes instead. I am not referring to monolids or if the eyelid has a distinct crease, I mean the actual eye opening hides much of the iris of the eye. This might be partly from blogging eyes, but I like the colored portion of the eye to be nice and visible. I have tried on demos of heads and been downright shocked at the way the eyes looked almost closed, and playing with sliders made then look deformed.
I guess the bottom line is that I would prefer a mesh head that is Omega compatible, with more of a natural, girl next door style look than a model appearance. I also crave more compatibility with all these awesome makeups I see around! Any suggestions, anyone? Comment below or notecard me inworld, thanks very much ♥.